Modern Slavery Statement

To whom it may concern.

Key Performance International Recruitment (Company number 09942033) trading as KPI:Recruitment recognises the need of preventing contemporary slavery and human trafficking and is dedicated to moral corporate conduct in all aspects of our operations and supply chains.

We are not legally compelled by the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to release a modern slavery statement as a business with an annual turnover below £36 million, but we understand that tackling these important problems requires responsibility and openness as basic tenets.

Even though we are not required by law, we continue to be alert in our attempts to reduce and stop the possibility of modern slavery in our supply chains and business. In all aspects of our business, we work hard to maintain moral principles and advance just labour or policies.

Although the business may not have a formal declaration on the Modern Slavery Act 2015, we are certainly willing to engage with interested parties about how we plan to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

The business is fully dedicated to maintaining the highest levels of corporate social responsibility by constantly evaluating and enhancing our policies and practices and complying with required regulations, legislation, and industry best practice.

For further information or questions, send an email to

Yours Faithfully

Matthew Heslam

Managing Director